Everyone seems to be doing it these days and since I hate feeling like I am missing out, here is my new, shiny blog. There are no guarantees that this will be updated regularly but I will do my best.
I have to start with an image, so here is an old one. (If you click on it, it opens up bigger). This was taken when I first started taking photographs with a reasonable camera. I think it was a Nikon 5700 and it got me all excited about photography. I'm a Canon girl now (shh), but I still have a soft spot for that old Nikon.
I have to start with an image, so here is an old one. (If you click on it, it opens up bigger). This was taken when I first started taking photographs with a reasonable camera. I think it was a Nikon 5700 and it got me all excited about photography. I'm a Canon girl now (shh), but I still have a soft spot for that old Nikon.